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Io is a rune in Diablo II. Three Hel runes and one Chipped Diamond are needed to create one Io through the Horadric Cube (this does not work on regular Battle.net ). Io is needed in six Rune Words. Missing Runes Level 9 Fanaticism Aura When Equipped +40% Increased Attack Speed +240-270% Enhanced Damage (varies) 20% Chance of Crushing Blow 25% Chance of Open Wounds +3 To Werebear +3 To Lycanthropy Prevent Monster Heal +25-40 To Strength (varies) +10 To Energy +2 To Mana After Each Kill Level 13 Summon Grizzly (5 Charges).

  1. Diablo 2 High Runes
  2. Diablo 2 Runes Upgrade

This mod Is a Single Player Enhancement Mod for Diablo II. It changes many factors and Increases Single Player Value, and Ultimately Makes the Single player Portion of Diablo II As good As it Can Possibly Be.Major Change to Diablo II Enhancement Mod as of August 26, 2011 Mod has been Updated to Version 1.6 Final, See Description for Details. Mod has also been Revamped for PlugY Unity Support, to work in Union with PlugY, There are two Versions for this. Pick the one you would like:), Cheers -sw33t.

Diablo 2 High Runes

I can't point you at a 1.13 table (no doubt the information is somewhere on the statistics forum at incgamers).If you're generally hunting for good runes, though, the Countess is quite bad (as her special drop caps out at Ist, and a collection of Ists isn't much use for anything), particularly in single player. In single player Lower Kurast chest runs are really quite spectacular for churning out enough Surs to make things like Enigma / CoH / Infinity / Grief (mind numbing runs, eased by Netflix or similar). General play (they drop when they drop!), Travincal and Cows are the places to move onto if you're really more interested in Jah, Cham, Zod but not so much Lo/Ber.If you really did just want Countess specific information, my apologies for a shit post. Or if you really just want Ists, depending on your setup and efficiency, rushing Hell hellforges can be somewhat efficient in single player (every time I leveled a character it hauled along 7 mules, I have, idk, 100 Hell Hellforges unclaimed at this point, some stupid amount). You're looking for chests in huts, that when you click them on P8 fill the screen with items.

A strong map will have multiple huts around a couple of fires in very close proximity to each other.The link from the other guy looks like it still has statistics for pre-1.13. Like everything else, things got better with 1.13 and for Lower Kurast they got much better, there loads of known patterns on P8 for all the runes up to and including Ber (iirc LK got a disproportionately good benefit from 1.13, and it was already good).To put it in perspective, I farmed Infinity over a weekend. At a later date I farmed the lions share of Enigma in a weekend. They were long days on a very good map (spent maybe an hour finding a good map) but there's just nothing else in the game that will so reliably let you put together runewords that use Sur/Ber in particular, but even Jah once you get to cubing up.

For what it's worth, I used a 200fcr Sorc with no offensive abilities at all, just fast cast and survivability. And some really good podcasts / TV series / music to help stay entertained.The Pride issue is tricker, imo. If you already had a ridiculously strong character for farming Travincal I'd recommend you do that until you find a Cham then finish up in LK. But starting from very little I'd say. Farm LK, when you get a couple of runewords made go back to standard play and run Trav once in a while.

Runes will drop over time. If, at some point, you find you're only a Sur or two away from making something you really want. Hit up LK again.Once I had made some key items (Enigma, Infinity, a couple of Griefs) I pretty much went back to ordinary play. Level 85 areas spit out enough runes to indulge my whimsies while also having a chance at the rarest uniques and offering great XP.The other thing I ever did that helped me find runes, strangely enough, was get involved in some single-player farming competitions.

Commit to running Pindleskin 1000 times over a couple of weeks and, hey presto, he gives me a Zod. It's not that he's a good place to farm runes (he's not!), it's just the sheer volume of dedicated play. Gumby: Clay Golem.Back in the day I made a bunch of 'gimme all the auras!' Characters because even if they're not the 100% most effective, they're all kinds of cool!I don't think this community has a really tough policy with 'cheating' in D2, so. Ffs, it's a 15 year old game. If you use something like Atma to back up your character you could 'undo' an Iron Golem death. I don't think you should do it, what's the fun in that?

I play my single-player straight-up but, hey, even if you don't think you'd do it, doesn't hurt to back your stuff up anyway.15 year old game, it'd be remiss of me not to point out the cheeky way to do things in case you hadn't thought about it yourself.I have a question: 20 skele, 20 skele mastery, 20 corpse exlposion, 1 amp, 1 summon resist and some to get Iron Golem. What are you doing with your spare 40 points? (this is the great summon necro question for the ages, it takes less than 70 points to complete the build, there's no right or wrong answer for the other 40, I'll be thinking about this when I'm 90). I play single player only, and I do use two programs.I use GoMule to allow me to save items and trade them between my characters.

Diablo 2 Io Rune

Diablo 2 Runes Upgrade

I don't consider this to be cheating. I consider this really to be the way the game was meant to be played, and it has greatly extended the re-playability for me. Certainly duping items is cheating.I also use PlugY for the following features:. Ladder only runewords.

Uber Diablo (who I haven't fought yet!). Pandemonium event (which I definitely haven't done yet either)I've also used it to reset my stat and skill points, before I learned about the twisted essence of suffering/etc way to reset skill and stat points as needed. I won't be using that feature anymore.I definitely won't be using any sort of tool to save my IG in case it gets lost, although now that I am considering it I suppose I would have to include one possible exception.

Sometimes (very rarely) I have noticed the IG simply vanishes for no reason, in the same way that revived monsters will. Not sure if my character was too far away or what, but I've been using teleport and town portal liberally since then. Luckily I didn't lose a high level runeword IG or similar.I actually considered trying to revive or save the gear from my HC Light Sorc who unfortunately died in the plains of despair. I usually keep my potions of rejuvenation in slot 4, I stabbed for the button but drank a mana potion instead. I lost a SoJ and a Peasant Crown:'( among other things. I decided against it in the end, what's the point of playing HC then?Ah, so currently I have 20 in skele, 20 skele mastery, 20 skeletal mage, decrepify and attract plus prereqs, (7 points total, maybe a waste) 10 in iron golem, (boosted to 20 currently) 4 in golem mastery, 1 in clay, 1 in blood, 1 in summon resist, and 1 in revive.


I was considering using just amplify damage and putting those extra points in IG and golem mastery, but I really love decrepify, and attract is just hilarious. I have 7 points in corpse explosion currently, but I feel like I could go either way with it. Less points there would allow me more for IG, more points would allow for damage across a wider area.I just wish I could get the revive and IG bugs fixed, those drive me nuts!Cheers!. 20 in Corpse Explode, I really can't recommend it highly enough it just increases your chances at getting some damage in on the next pack along the way. And if you happen to accidentally kill off something from the next pack you get to start the process all over again! My pure summoners only used Amp Damage, but it's definitely not wrong to get some other curses, they have applications.On PlugY Uber Diablo and Pandemonium.

The final part of the Pandemonium event is easier than on b.net but the challenge, of surviving Uber Mephisto remains daunting as ever. Uber Diablo you may want to be careful with, you can make him spawn like all the time and farm yourself incredible Annis. You may want to impose a condition on how often you allow yourself to obtain an Anni.I highly recommend building a Zeal/Smite Crushing blow Paladin for farming the events.

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And, actually, using PlugY you can boot up multiple copies at once, right? Hmmm.corpse explode seems to have limited value when facing Baal, Uber Diablo, and during the course of the Pandemonium event though.Ideally I would love to summon a very high level iron golem, simply for the concentration aura, putting all my points into either golem mastery or iron golem so it doesn't die. Currently it seems like it's better to put points into golem mastery then iron golem if my goal is simply keeping it alive, but I wasn't sure about that.If the game glitches and my IG is lost for no reason, I consider it fair to restore it.I made an IG out of an Eth Bonesnap (I have a few so no big loss), and wanted to see if the crushing blow was any use. Again, my main goal is to get concentration from it. Potentially considering bramble as well, in order to give all minions thorns, but I think Pride would be ideal.I finally defeated Hell Baal last night! First time since picking up this game 15 years ago that I've managed to do that.Now I'm trying to move on to Uber Diablo.

You make a good point, I need to determine some way to limit myself. Although currently I can't get close to killing him, so perhaps for now I'll take the challenge of killing him as the limit in itself.I really need some skill charms, I only have +8 to my summoning skills currently. I've tried rerolling some high level grand charms, but garbage so far haha. Uber Diablo kills my skeletons pretty much instantly. My hireling lives longer, but once Uber Diablo has turned his attention to him he doesn't last long.I'm pretty stoked about what gear my hireling has currently though. (it looks really cool!)Shael + Shael in a Bonehew, Corpsemourn, and Natalya's Totem.

If only he could use the corpse explosion from the first two items!I feel like decrepify might have been better than amplify damage. The main advantage of decrepify is that it causes the monsters to slow down to the point where my zoo and I take significantly less damage.I've been mainly just doing Hell Mephisto runs with my summoner. I found a Wolfhowl today!

Now I need to create a new character just for that item since it's so cool, haha.Level 99 would be awesome. I'm not sure how hard it is to get there though.I would love to try out some of the older versions. I'm not sure if d2se carries the saves over between patches, and I'm a bit sketched out about encountering a bug in an old version, but nothing backups can't prevent.I still need some Ber runes, two SoJ, a Darkforce Spawn, a Shako, etc, etc.:)For some of my lower level characters, I've been considering screenshoting/text exporting their items and stats from gomule, so I can keep a nice log of their progression.I have a new hc lightning sorc, a hc sword WW barb, and a really cool normal poisonmancer that I've been having fun with. Also been working on a 'flamethrower with a tank' druid and a zealot paladin as well.I figure I'll use the lightning sorc for farming, despite her being a HC character, I don't imagine any problems as long as I keep my resists high, full rejuvs in slot 4, and being quick on the escape key in case something bad does happen though.

Glad SoJ are easy to find, I was pretty bummed that I lost the one I found.Although for the pandemonium event I will almost certainly use a non-hc character. Maybe my zealot as you suggest.Cheers!. Higher runes in general are a little more frequent starting with 1.13b because the weights of the low-end runes were dropped quite a bit. Here are the rune drop chances for Hell Countess in 1.13 according to.