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Every value in Python has a data type. Data types are a classification of data that tells the compiler or the interpreter how you want to use the data. The type defines the operations that can be done on the data and the structure in which you want the data to be stored. In data science, you will often need to change the type of your data, so that it becomes easier to use and work with.This tutorial will tackle some of the important and most frequently used data structures, and you will learn to change their types to suit your need. More specifically, you will learn:.Python has many data types. You must have already seen and worked with some of them. You have integers and float to deal with numerical values, boolean ( bool) to deal with true/false values and strings to work with alphanumeric characters.

Python has had awesome string formatters for many years but the documentation on them is far too theoretic and technical. With this site we try to show you the most common use-cases covered by the old and new style string formatting API with practical examples. Python’s str.format method of the string class allows you to do variable substitutions and value formatting. This lets you concatenate elements together within a string through positional formatting. This tutorial will guide you through some of the common uses of formatters in Python, which can. Python input function always convert the user input into a string. But how to check user input is a number. We can Convert string input to int or float type to check string input is an integer type. Also using isdigit method of string class we can check input string is number or string.

You can make use of lists, tuples, dictionary, and sets that are data structures where you can store a collection of values. To learn more about them, be sure to check out DataCamp's.Implicit and Explicit Data Type ConversionData conversion in Python can happen in two ways: either you tell the compiler to convert a data type to some other type explicitly, or the compiler understands this by itself and does it for you.

In the former case, you're performing an explicit data type conversion, whereas, in the latter, you're doing an implicit data type conversion. Python Implicit Data Type ConversionImplicit conversion or coercion is when data type conversion takes place either during compilation or during run time and is handled directly by Python for you. Let's see an example: aint = 1bfloat = 1.0csum = aint + bfloatprint(csum)print(type(csum))2.0Tip: you can use the type function in Python to check the data type of an object.In the example, an int value aint was added to a float value bfloat, and the result was automatically converted to a float value csum without you having to tell the compiler. This is the implicit data conversion.Why was the float value not converted to integer instead?This is due to a broader concept of type promotion in computer science.

Simply put, this is a defense mechanism of the compiler that allows you to perform operations whenever possible by converting your data into a different supertype without the loss of information.That means that the conversion from float to integer is not done because then the compiler will need to remove the fractional part leading to the loss of information. Python Explicit Data Type ConversionExplicit conversion also known as type casting is when data type conversion takes place because you clearly defined it in your program. You basically force an expression to be of a specific type. The general form of an explicit data type conversion is as follows: (requireddatatype)(expression)Note: as you can imagine, with explicit data type conversion, there is a risk of information loss since you're forcing an expression to be of a specific type.With all of this in mind, you can dig into some of the commonly used explicit data type conversions.Primitive Versus Non-Primitive Data StructuresPrimitive data structures are the building blocks for data manipulation and contain pure, simple values of data. Python has four primitive variable types:. Integers.


Float. Strings.

Python Float To String Without .0

BooleanNon-primitive data structures don't just store a value, but rather a collection of values in various formats. In Python, you have the following non-primitive data structures:. Lists.

Tuples. Dictionary.

SetsYou can learn more about them with DataCamp'sInteger and Float ConversionsIntegers and floats are data types that deal with numbers.To convert the integer to float, use the float function in Python. Similarly, if you want to convert a float to an integer, you can use the int function. Aint = 3bint = 2# Explicit type conversion from int to floatcfloatsum = float(aint + bint)print(cfloatsum)5.0afloat = 3.3bfloat = 2.0# Explicit type conversion from float to intcintsum = int(afloat + bfloat)print(cintsum)cfloatsum = afloat + bfloatprint(cfloatsum)55.3Data Type Conversion with StringsA string is a collection of one or more characters (letters, numbers, symbols).

You may need to convert strings to numbers or numbers to strings fairly often.

Note: As you can see the user has entered 20 and coverted it to the number using int function.Output Two: We executed the above program again to check for a negative number input. Enter your Age -25Yes, the input string is an Integer.The input number value is: -25Output Three: Enter your Age TenThat's not an int!No.

Python Float To String Full Precision

Input string is not an Integer. It's a stringNote: As you can see the user has entered Ten in string format and converted it to a number using int function, But python raised a ValueError exception because it is not int. Approach Two: use string class isdigit method to check user input is number or string.Program: usernumber = input('Enter your number')if( usernumber.isdigit):print('User input is Number ')else:print('User input is string ')Output: Enter your number45User input is NumberNote: isdigit function will work only for positive integer numbers. I.e., if you pass any float number, it will say it is a string. Let’s execute the above program again to validate it.Output two: Enter your number 22.40User input is stringSo it is better to use the first approach.

Python Float To String Remove Decimal

Also, Other than user input If you want to check whether the Python variable is a number or string use function. Python Program to find user input is a float numberWhen we say a number, it means it can be integer or float. In this approach, we can check whether the input is float number by converting it to the float type (using float function).

If an input is a float number, then it can get successfully converted to float type and we can say that entered input is a float number. Userinput = input ('Enter input value')try:if '.' In userinput:val = float(userinput)print(val, 'Yes, user input is a float number.' )else:val = int(userinput)print(val, 'Yes, input string is an Integer.' )except ValueError:print('No.

The input string is not a number. It's a string')Output. Enter input value 8850.508850.5 Yes, user input is a float number.Enter input value 450450 Yes, input string is an Integer.Enter input value -12-12 Yes, input string is an Integer.Note: As you can see the user has entered 8850.50 converted it to the float number using float function.Output two: Enter your salary Ten Thousand and fifty dollarsThat's not a float!No. Input string is not a float number. It's a stringNote: As you can see the user has entered “Ten Thousand and fifty dollars” in string format and converted it into float number using float function, But python raised a ValueError exception. Python Program to check user input is a Positive Number or NegativeWe can find if entered user input is a positive or negative number.

Let see the python code for the same.Program: usernumber = input ('Enter your number')try:val = int(usernumber)if(val 0):print('User number is positive ')else:print('User number is negative ')except ValueError:print('No. Input string is not a number. It's a string')Output: Enter your number 12User number is positiveOutput two: Enter your number -25User number is negativeReferences:.Next StepsTo practice what you learned in this article, I have created a Python Basic Quiz and Exercise.