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Shadow the Hedgehog is a 2005 game in the series that focuses on the black hedgehog, Shadow. The game begins with Shadow on the outskirts of Westopolis, just as the sky turns blood red. Shadow is but a strange creature with a terrible voice speaks his name, calling on him to bring the alien leader in — by the name of — the. Thus begins Shadow's personal quest of self-discovery, which can take any one of 326 (!!!) paths through the game's 22 levels.While the typical controls of the 3D entries in the Sonic series apply to some extent, it is playable as a third-person shooter, a different direction for the franchise. Its tone, Shadow's constant, and frequent turned many fans of the franchise away, and the game was disliked by some critics due to its poor controls and camera.

The perfect place for fans of the Blue Blur!

It is, however, defended for its branching-path style, relatively bug-free gameplay, and decent music and visuals. On another note, this game marks the debut of the cast from into the video games. Ironically, they started off doing the Sonic game that's the least kid-friendly. This game provides examples of:.: Taken to a truly absurd extreme. There are ten endings (plus the ), but if you want true 100% completion, you can't just get all ten and call it a day.

You can't just complete all 39 missions, either. You have to take all 326 possible paths. Yes, the game really keeps track of this. And.: Notably, only Sonic, Vector, and Omega can assist Shadow in his various endings.

Central City Shadow The Hedgehog

(Rouge and Knuckles can help him during boss fights, but they won't show up in the corresponding cutscenes.).: Super Shadow.: The advertising and aesthetic impose this on Shadow himself. He uses guns, kills people, has a name from the, is brooding, sarcastic, and an over-the-top badass.: For actual endings, there are 10 alignment-based endings, and unlocked for completing all of them.

The 326 ending paths are differing names for reaching these endings through completing the stages in various sequences.: Shadow becomes this at the end of the Slightly Hero - Dark Ending.: Expert Mode reveals that the GUN Commander recently became a Grandfather.: But his goal is to remember.: An odd case is the Slightly Hero - Hero Ending, where Shadow realizes that he was a failed experiment who has caused so much destruction and wishes that he was never created.:. In the trailers, there are a few very well-animated cutscenes.

Obviously, this is from a time when cutscenes were considerably better animated than the game. But then you play the game and realise that despite the many, MANY cutscenes in the game, these are the ONLY cutscenes with high animation; the rest are animated with the more blocky, cheaper in-game models — despite two of them taking place mid-game. In general, coming from, the in-game animation is a lot more fluid and smooth, with Shadow especially being quite cartoonishly stretchy and bouncy.: Sonic gives out a small chuckle on a few occasions.: When Shadow uses Chaos Control to travel through a stage, it usually runs on the meter and ends when the meter runs out. If the meter runs out over a pit or in a dangerous location, however, the Chaos Control will keep running until Shadow reaches a stable platform. Some of the best shortcuts in the game revolve around abusing this feature; for instance, if you time things correctly and move quickly, Don't try abusing this, however. Unlike the other games before it, you only lose 10 rings after being hit as opposed to all of them. This was made especially so that the Hero mission of Circus Park (to collect 400 rings) wouldn't be a.: 'This is who I am.'

It shows in the Pure Hero-Dark Path where he ended up challenging Sonic as earned to being his rival, then boasted highly about his own strength after he defeated him, and even laughing about it.: Shadow implies this after defeating Black Doom in the Semi Hero path, after the latter revealed to him that he was a part of the Black Arms.: The word 'damn' is constantly peppered through the dialogue. Shadow says it almost every time he gets hit, or whenever he falls into a deathpit. Shadow: Damn! Not here!.: Despite the fact that filling either of your 2 Chaos meters grants you access to really powerful moves, the best use of either of them is often just the passive invincibility/unlimited ammo perks that come with filling either meter:. The Chaos Control ability is supposed to be the 'good' ability, obtained from killing evil characters, and it allows Shadow to skip part of a level.

Problem is, because all but a few of the 'good' missions are based on finding stuff and not getting to the end, and because many of these things can only be found in out-of-the-way areas, Chaos Control is next to useless on the alignment it's associated with. Sonic: Woohoo!

Shadow The Hedgehog Central City Dark

Now we're talkin'! Bring it on!.:. Each level has keys that you can use to unlock secret doors.

Some of the items are useful, including The Last Way teleporter that sends you ahead in the level (past the area where you must Chaos Control to get past). But some are rather useless, including the armored car in Lost Impact.in a cramped space station filled with areas you must spin dash under or use rail cars to get to. Also bad are the secret doors for Westopolis (similar to Lost Impact, it gives you a bad-controlling lowrider with no special weapon which you get 75% of the way through the level) and Lethal Highway (a minigun with 80 ammo, which is pathetic if you were hoping for a rampage). The worst is Mad Matrix, which gives you nothing but an alternate path to the Goal Ring, which is only remotely useful if you're trying to save some time to A-rank the neutral mission, and even then it's far from necessary. The weapons you unlock for completing certain endings are extremely, particularly the and, which are powerful but have a laughable ammunition capacity (even when leveled up!) that hardly makes it worth the effort.

Note Unless you want to easily A-rank Lethal Highway's Hero mission, or Air Fleet's Dark mission. Getting an A rank on every mission on every stage would unlock, supposedly like 's Super Hard Mode, where the levels' layouts are changed to be a lot harder, and you go through every stage, one after the other, without stopping. But in Shadow, they barely changed any of the layouts at all. Note The biggest change was adding a in Circus Park. And by that point, you've probably played through all the levels so many times, there isn't any point to playing what's mostly the same ones all in a row.:. Sonic is the first heroic partner in the game. If you go on a pure hero run, he is the last heroic partner in the game.

If you go on a pure dark run, he is the last opponent in the game. The of this one (the last game dealing with the 'Shadow's amnesia' story arc) has some similarities with the final boss of in the aforementioned story arc.: The original idea for the game was to be much darker, with GUN soldiers actually dying, Black Arms bleeding red blood, and use of the word 'piss' (by, no less). However, during production, the ESRB announced they were creating an E10+ category, so Sonic Team toned down the game to get an E10+ instead. Shadow: Stupid humans.Shadow (to Doom's Eye): Having a little trouble with those GUN Agents, are we?Shadow (to Sonic): Don't waste my time.: Glyphic Canyon.: In one scene, Sonic offers Shadow a chance of, with Shadow telling him not to waste his time.: Sonic states this outright as soon as you find one in Westopolis,.

Why he (or any other support character) can't pick up melee weapons either, nobody knows, though Tails does enthusiastically gush about a particularly well-designed gun turret. Shadow: I am Shadow the Hedgehog.

A research experiment. Gone deadly wrong! I've caused so much destruction. I should never have been created! This is who I am.Vector: Hey. Don't go there. Things may not be what they seem.

You could be.Shadow walks off without listening to him.: In the Slighty Dark - Dark ending, Shadow declares that his purpose is to serve and protect, having no mention of what he personally desires.: Who is Shadow, and is he even the original?.: In the Pure Hero-Dark, Semi Villain-Dark, and Pure Villain-Dark endings, Sonic fights you alongside G.U.N.' S Diablon mech as the.: Though risky, it's possible to beat Sonic in the racing segment by jumping off the track and guiding yourself to a rail leading to the finish. Be prepared to lose several lives in trying.: To truly get what he wants, Shadow has to go through the game ten times, and then defeat Devil Doom. He damn well deserves a happy ending when he does.: The Doom and Lost Impact have quite a few of these.: Inverted in the ending. Gerald Robotnik made a video at some point between Shadow's creation and GUN's attack on ARK.

It is a message to Shadow that it was his fault that Black Doom is going to attack Earth, that he intends for Shadow to save it by destroying the Black Arms, and that the Eclipse Cannon was originally designed to destroy their homeworld, the Black Comet. Upon Charmy activating the message, it was transmitted throughout the world, and onto the Black Comet where Black Doom was currently attempting to break Shadow's will. It's also implied that the reason why Gerald didn't tell them sooner about the reason was because Black Doom would have seen it. /: Lava Shelter.: When Eggman learns in the final chapter that his grandfather apparently sold out his planet for research, for Black Doom, he was legitimately horrified.: The game does not care whose side you're on; all the enemies will try to kill Shadow, even if his partner is allied with them.: Shadow gets one in the dark endings.:. The level 'Sky Troops' has both Eggman and Black Arms missions. Eggman counts as the 'Hero' side.

Omega is considered the Hero side in his missions, which usually involve his desire to kill Eggman. In fact, the main difference between the outcomes of the Hero and Dark 'neutral' endings is that Omega appears in the Hero one.: Black Doom.:. Some levels contain Eggman's robots and Black Arms aliens as enemies. After you complete the hero mission of G.U.N. Fortress, the battle between Shadow and Black Doom turns out to be this, and after Shadow defeats Black Doom, Shadow plans on conquering the world on his own.: Black Doom's general opinion of humans. In some endings, Shadow has a tendency to agree with him.: Shadow did partake in some minor brooding in, but that wasn't a primary character trait.

However, in his game, Shadow would never stop brooding and pondering about his past. However, once he learns about his past, that apparently satisfied his ponderings and he relaxed into a characterization closer to his original portrayal.: Whatever the choice you make in Cosmic Fall, unless you let the timer run out, the ARK is stopped from falling in either path.: The GUN Commander, arguably, going by his relationship with Maria.: Sonic tries to invoke this on Shadow, especially in the Space Gadget stage where he reminisces their rundown aboard the Space Colony ARK in.

Needless to say, Shadow isn't interested in 'friendly competition', but if you choose to turn on Sonic in Final Haunt, Shadow will reciprocate in the Pure Hero - Dark ending, where he decides that he is the Most Powerful Hedgehog In The World. Sonic: Shadow! Why are you siding with those black creatures?Shadow: Siding with them. You're joking, right?

I'm just siding with whomever goes up against you. This time you're going down, Sonic!Sonic: (chuckles) Well, if that's how it's gonna be, Shadow. Then bring it on!Shadow: Just say when!.: Shadow intends to become one in the Pure Dark - Hero Ending.: In the GameCube version, one of the GUN Troopers in will always fail to spawn the first time.

Ark survival evolved download apk. 'Shadow, my son. If you're listening to this, then the worst has happened.

You need to know the truth. The government plans to shut down this research facility. The government plans to cease all of our research.

And imprison all who know about you. I made a terrible mistake, Shadow. It's all my fault. Making contact with that Comet.' .: The 'Cosmic Fall' stage, natch.:. Most of the unlockable weapons, acquired by watching certain endings, are like this.

If you see both the Hero and Dark endings for a particular endgame level, you can 'upgrade' your unlockables to Level 2, where they can become slightly more powerful. The heal gun is really useful for The Doom (Hero). The Egg Vacuum is the weapon of choice in Central City (Hero) and Circus Park (Hero). Speed runners REALLY love the Omochao gun for the ability to bounce off anything. In levels where there are not very many large/elite enemies such as Giants and Mechs, it's actually BETTER than the Shadow Rifle.: The Shadow Rifle does A TON of damage to the point where it can kill every normal enemy in the game, except Artificial Chaos, with This also makes it great in Lethal Highway, Air Fleet, and Iron Jungle for dealing with the fleeing vehicles.: After the fight with Sonic and the GUN Commander's Diablon Mech on the Slightly Dark - Dark Ending, Shadow says, 'Game over, Sonic!' , a direct to what Sonic said to Shadow after their second battle in: 'Game over, Shadow!'

.: This is what Shadow says to Sonic after you clear the hero mission of Westopolis.: Black Doom, Eggman, and the GUN Commander. The GUN Commander orders his soldiers to kill Shadow, even when you're doing Doom's missions his aliens shoot at you, and in all of the levels where you can assist Eggman, regardless of the path you take, you still end up fighting him as a sub-boss.: Shadow. Is ruthless in achieving his goals, acts callous, and is apathetic to (most) things that are going on in the world. However, he tries to stay on the side of justice, while still focusing on getting answers to his past.

He also blames himself for Maria's death and views the humans as terrible beings for what they did, saved Sonic earlier on despite his annoyance of his presence, and was ready to go against Black Doom after realising that he wanted to use the Chaos Emeralds to destroy the planet. This is best shown in the Slightly Hero ending, where Shadow got completely wrecked after finding out that the world views him as a nightmare, going so far as regretting his own existence.: He can also be this, especially in the Pure Hero path if you turn on the good guys in Final Haunt.: Prison Island, Death Ruins, and Iron Jungle.: Doing more 'evil' or 'good' actions will fill the respective gauge, which, at max, will allow Shadow to use respectively. Ironically, Chaos Control's main use is to accelerate you towards the goal of the neutral path, except in the boss levels where it freezes time.: The Samurai Blade, the unlockable melee weapon, is stronger than any other melee weapon. In addition, its upgraded form and doesn't use up one of its uses.: The Eclipse Cannon and the unlockable Satellite Laser weapon.: Oddly, Shadow turns out to be this in the Pure Dark - Dark ending, claiming to bring justice and order to humanity.: Shadow, carried over from, the prequel of sorts to this game.: Lava Shelter.:. Air Fleet, where Shadow has the option to either cover the President's escape from the Black Arms (Hero), find the Chaos Emerald (Neutral), or assassinate the big man himself (Dark). Sky Troops.: The game contains a rather neat remix of E.G.G.M.A.N.

By Paul Shortino. Unfortunately, the segment used in the game is less than 30 seconds long, only used in one cutscene, and is buried in the behind the anonymous 'Event' title. The full version of the track did eventually appear on the soundtrack CD, however.:. In the cutscene before Lethal Highway (one of the three second levels of the game), Sonic says, 'Welcome to the next level!'

. He also says, 'Well, Shadow, it looks like we've reached the climax of this little game. Time to make responsible for this invasion step up and play.' At the beginning of Final Haunt, one of the potential final levels.: As revealed in the Last Story, Shadow was created from Black Doom's blood.: Kill all aliens, soldiers, etc.: The Doom and Lost Impact.: Black Arms versus Team Sonic/GUN versus the Eggman Empire, though the levels only feature two of these teams. However, Shadow can potentially fight against both of the featured teams in each level, thus still playing this trope straight.: The 2-player battle mode feels very much like it was tacked on, being a simple deathmatch mode with only three stages, and different-colored Shadows and Shadow Androids to choose from.:.

Every level has one or more characters that give you orders. Eggman doesn't follow you, instead using a hovering video transceiver drone and a. Black Doom does something similar with his 'familiar' Doom's Eye.

Which turns out to be his weak point during the final battle with Devil Doom.: The game as a whole can be considered this to the entire Sonic series, considering it came out after the incredibly kiddy and bright (end-game notwithstanding).: Shadow often does things that don't make sense for his current moral path, which is occasionally. Even when it's vital to complete the mission.: The gatling gun equipped on the Bigfoot mechs.: Played with, but ultimately subverted. Shadow: Death to all who oppose me!.: While the use of the word “damn” can come of as Narm to some, there are some accurate times when the word has been said, such as 'damn you!' .: Maria is playable in The Doom and Lost Impact.: Since most of the scenes are designed to fit a variety of moral alignments and plotlines, many of the paths tend to involve Shadow warping around doing arbitrary and frequently contradictory things before having some kind of epiphany at the very end.: Shadow has this kind of attitude.

He reveals this purpose in the Slightly Dark - Hero Ending, declaring that he knows what's best for him and that no one can tell him what to do.: Black Bull, faced after the Hero Stage 2 and True Hero Stage 4. Egg Breaker, faced after the Dark Stage 3, Neutral/Hero Stage 4, and True Neutral Stage 5. (Note that it's impossible to get to both of the first two appearances in a single playthrough, but possible to get either of them and the third.) To a lesser extent, Heavy Dog (faced after Neutral-Dark Stage 4) and Blue Falcon (faced after True Dark Stage 5) are essentially the same boss, as well, only time-shifted 50 years because Neutral-Dark Stage 4 is a flashback level. You're probably more likely to see one of these bosses twice in a playthrough than to see all three of them in the same playthrough. Note It is possible to see all three in the same playthrough by starting off with a Hero Mission, then doing two Dark missions and then another Hero Mission. This will take you to Hero Stage 2, Neutral-Dark Stage 4, and True Neutral Stage 5.: Sky Troops, Air Fleet, and GUN Fortress.: In the Iron Jungle and Lava Shelter levels, Robots that look exactly like Shadow appear as enemies, and Shadow is uncertain if he is a robot too.

If you stick around in the fight against Devil Doom long enough, however, Eggman will contact Shadow and explain that he rescued Shadow with his robots and chucked him into a pod while he healed, and Eggman just let him think he was a 'bot to screw with his head.: Shadow becomes this to Sonic if you choose to clear one of the dark missions of G.U.N. Fortress, Black Comet, or Final Haunt. Rouge: I hope he's okay.Amy: He'll be alright, Rouge. After all, he is Shadow!. If you do all dark missions before Cryptic Castle (where Amy is the hero character) and then do all hero missions from then on, the pathway is titled 'Miracle of Love', because. Rouge gets in on this too. If you do Dark Westoplis then Hero Digital Circuit, then do all the hero missions from then on, that pathway is called 'For Love's Sake'.

Shadow The Hedgehog Game Online

If you do the normal Prison Island mission after Dark Westoplis and Hero Digital Circuit, then the rest of the Hero missions, it's called '. Granted, there is one normal mission in this one, but Shadow doesn't go dark after Rouge's influence either.:. There are a pair of bosses are 'Blue Falcon' and 'Black Bull', the names of two of the racing vehicles in the series. It probably helps that Sega developed F-Zero GX.

Occasionally, one of the GUN soldiers will shout out 'Mr. Yuji Naka is alright!' In the ARK flashback levels.

The president of the United Federation looks a heck of a lot like. Sonic says 'I guess that means.welcome to the next level' during a cutscene. 'Welcome to the Next Level' was one of Sega's slogans during the 16-bit days. The Egg Vacuum weapon is based on, since it's an egg from the game with a chicken's head. In the Dark path, the Black Arms uses the Eclipse Cannon to destroy the Sonic universe's equivalent of the White House, similar to the famous scene from.: The Shadow Androids, physically identical replicas of the original Shadow the Hedgehog. In the Neutral endings, Shadow becomes convinced he's one of them that somehow went rogue.: Shadow handles his weapons in a left-handed manner.

Sonic: What's up, Shadow!Shadow: Not you again.Sonic:. If you in the last level (Final Haunt), Sonic drops his friendly attitude and proceeds to oppose you along with Diablon. The same goes for the other final stages in the dark path, such as G.U.N. Fortress and The Black Comet.:.

If you pick a non-neutral story path, killing your allies or completing incorrect story objectives will earn you a rebuke from your Mission Character. However, this is ironic considering your 'allies' attack you.

In a cutscene example, before the Sonic and Diablon boss fights, Sonic calls out Shadow for siding with the Black Arms.: You can change Shadow's allegiance at any time, even during a mission. Sometimes your allegiance will be changed for you if you accidentally collide with a different Mission Character.: In one ending, specifically the slightly heroic path's hero ending, Shadow will regain his memories after defeating Black Doom, and says in a remorse-filled tone that he was good at nothing more than destruction, and he was better off not being created, despite Vector's attempts at telling him otherwise, indicating that one of his paths would end in this trope.: The dialogue really is terribly hammy, especially Shadow, Eggman, and Black Doom. The voice actors all seem fully aware of this, and.: After defeating Sonic and Diablon in the Pure Hero - Dark Ending, Shadow proclaims himself as one due to the energy of the 7 Chaos Emeralds.: The Commander has a vendetta against Shadow, blaming him for the death of everyone aboard the ARK fifty years ago, especially Maria.: 'The Doom' and 'Lost Impact' take place as flashbacks, but Shadow can still manipulate his morality during these events.