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  1. Ld: Cannot Perform Pe Operations On Non Pe Output File 'kernel.bin'. Windows 7

Jun 27, 2015  Old MinGW versions had the problem that 'ld' was not able to create non-PE files at all. Maybe current versions have the same problem. The work-around was creating a PE file with 'ld' and then to transform the PE file to binary, HEX or S19 using 'objcopy'. Aug 5, 2014 - ld -T NUL -o kernel.tmp -Ttext 0x1000 kernelentry.o kernel.o objcopy -O binary -j.text kernel.tmp kernel.bin. The first command links the. Nov 13, 2006  Salvatore D'Angelo wrote: On Linux it works fine but in cygwin I go the following link problem:.ld: cannot perform PE operations on non PE output file 'bootsect'.In the cygwin mail archive I saw question like this without response please can someone suggest me what is wrong in my Makefile and what I have to change?

Hi,We have a requirement where we need to send email to an external address with a pdf as an attachment.I have following queries with regard to this requirement:1. After converting spool to pdf is it required to store pdf document at some location on application/presentation server so that it can be attached to the outgoing email, Or it is can be attached to an outgoing email without saving it.2. I need some more info on how to use the function module SONEWDOCUMENTSENDAPI1 to send email.

Ld: Cannot Perform Pe Operations On Non Pe Output File 'kernel.bin'. Windows 7

( I hope I have identified the correct Function Module to send email).Note: Please do not copy paste any code from the net in your answer. I need to understand on how to use the FM.

Once you have a spool, you can convert it to PDF by using function module'CONVERTABAPSPOOLJOB2PDF'For sending emails with attachments use:'SONEWDOCUMENTATTSENDAPI1'here you need to pass1) DOCUMENTDATA - For Document Attributes. Here you mainly specifies your list title, description2) PUTINOUTBOX = SPACE - If you do not want to save an email.3) CONTENTSTXT - text to be written in email4) CONTENTSBIN - for attachment5) RECEIVERS - Recepients of MailRead the function module definition for better understanding. You are correct. Hi,u can use the same logic.REPORT ytest01.DATA DECLARATION.TYPE-POOLS: meein.TABLES: toadara,nast,tnapr,arcparams.DATA: entretco TYPE sy-subrc,entscreen TYPE c,lxkomk LIKE TABLE OF komk WITH HEADER LINE,xscreen. Plz use this function module & c. It will work.after spooling it.CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERTABAPSPOOLJOB2PDF'EXPORTINGSRCSPOOLID = MIRQIDENTNODIALOG = CNODSTDEVICE = CDEVICEIMPORTINGPDFBYTECOUNT = GDBYTECOUNTTABLESPDF = ITPDFOUTPUTEXCEPTIONSERRNOABAPSPOOLJOB = 1ERRNOSPOOLJOB = 2ERRNOPERMISSION = 3ERRCONVNOTPOSSIBLE = 4ERRBADDESTDEVICE = 5USERCANCELLED = 6ERRSPOOLERROR = 7ERRTEMSEERROR = 8ERRBTCJOBOPENFAILED = 9ERRBTCJOBSUBMITFAILED = 10ERRBTCJOBCLOSEFAILED = 11OTHERS = 12.if it works.