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Sign in to Mod The Sims. Don't have an account? Register now. Egypt sims 3. Quote: Originally Posted by foxfireash. I am on the adventure entitled 'Hacker,' in which my sim has to hack the commander's computer in the MorcuCorp Headquarters. Map view show the Badawi household to be the 'new' headquarters (on the mission before.

Sims 3 Hacker Egypt

Married Cheats on 'Sims 3'. By Maya Walker; Updated September 22, 2017. In “Sims 3,” married couples face many of the same challenges as real-life couples. A cheat code can help ease some of the pain from life's challenges for a couple. Using a cheat code doesn't have an adverse effect on game play, but can enhance a Sim couple's life together. On The Sims 3 World Adventures you are now able to travel to France, Egypt and China in order to collect new rewards and new objects, meet new people, learn new abilities and experience new cultures.

Nefarious Intentions 'MorcuCorp is looking for hardened adventurers for a few operations here in Egyupt. Please report to Hassan Badawi for more information.' Report in to start this chainPreparing the Bribe 'You've made the right (and profitable) choice in signing up with MorcuCorp! I need money to buy off some officials in town but they refuse to accept perfectly legal Morcudollars! I'm far too busy to dig up the 10 hunks of Copper they want, but am willing to pay you to do so. What do you think?' Zoom out and track down the Copper if you need to using the neighborhood view.

When you have enough copper, Deliver it.Delivering the Bribe 'This will work out great! Let me just package this up in a standard MorcuCorp Bribe Box. One of the head merchants, Fatima Amin, will accept this bribe to pay off the workers.

Deliver this package to Fatima Amin and he should give you some useful information, a location to be exact. This location will be where the 'opposition' to our work here keeps most of their information. Bitraser for file license key west. We need to get in there and find some things.' Deliver the Bribe.Black Bag Job 'The bribe goes a long way to earning the support of the local merchants. As for the information you seek, the people who hate MorcuCorp have established a 'secret base' at the edge of town.

I believe Hassan Badawi wants you to infiltrate this base and steal information from their computers. I consider my effort in this complete.' Make your way to the house that the tomb us under. Visit and get into the house and then make your way to the bathroom behind the staircase. Use the toilet to reveal a staircase in the living room.

Go down the stairs.TOMB - Secret BaseAt the bottom of the stairs is a set of four tiles. You need to activate these tiles by stepping on them in the correct order.

The correct order was revealed when you used the toilet upstairs as 2134. The top tiles are 1, 2, and 3 from left to right and the fourth tile is the tile that's back a row.

Step on each one in the proper order to open all the doors. This will allow you to move through the four walls. Once you get past them, there's another staircase leading down. Go down the stairs.You'll come to another tile room with six tiles this time. The top two tiles are tiles 1 and 2, the next row from left to right is 3, 4, and 5 and the lone tile in the back is 6. To open all the doors and proceed you must stand on tile 1, 5, and 6 (assuming you are looking at the doors).

If you mess up, the red tile at the back of the room will reset the tiles and doors. But just because it's there doesn't mean you messed up.Guess what! After you go down the stairs at the end of the hall you'll come to another six door puzzle with eight tiles.

Start in the upper left, the first row being tiles 1, 2, and 3. Row two has tiles 4 and 5 and row three has tiles 6, 7, and 8. Stand on tiles 2, 4, 7 and 8 to open all the doors. Go through the doors and then down the stairs at the end.Go down the stairs and then turn around and go past the stairs into a very large room with computers and book cases. At the back of the room is a solitary computer that is glowing. Hack the computer and then loot the two chests behind the computer.

Sims 3 Hacker Egypt

Leave the way you came.END TOMBReport In.Spreading 'Information' 'Excellent, we're sure to figure out their plans now. Let me digest this for a bit. I have a minor task that you can do in the meantime. It is time the locals understood how bad for business and growth this resistance is. If you could go explain this to 5 natives, that would really help our cause a bit.' Unfortunately you have to convince five locals this time.

Go into town and start befriending people. Once you get them to like you a little bit, give them information about the resistance. Do this with five people and then report in.The Contract 'I hear your disinfo. Err education campaign has improved the natives' outlook towards MorcuCorp while costing the Resistance a lot of popularity! Now is the time to move on some of these lucrative contracts that we want. Stop by the relic Merchant's store and convince him to accept a contract with MorcuCorp. You may need to butter them up a bit first.'

Sims 3 Hacker Egypt Movie

Go to the Relic Merchant and then chat them up. You are really going to have to get on the merchants good side before they sign the contract. Once you've really gotten the merchant to like you, talk about the contract.The Contract 'Well you seem to be a very nice person Mr.


Sims 3 Egypt Opportunities

Unfortunately I can't honor the first shipment of this contract. If I had 3 pieces of Turquoise I could make some 'relics' real fast to ship to MorcuCorp. Honestly they wouldn't even know the difference. Do this for me and we both will be rewarded.' Zoom out to the neighborhood view to find the gems you need if you don't have them already and when you get them, deliver them to the merchant to finish.The Contract 'Thanks for all your help! I'll get these processed and sent right out.

Sims 3 Hacker Egypt Online

You should return to your employer and let him know he can expect a steady stream of Egyptian relics to roll out to him on schedule.'