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The Sims 4 CC can be downloaded from here; we have offered you the Sims 4 CC for hair, skin, eyes color, walls and floor designs and much more, choose the CC what you want to have and store on your device. Sep 21, 2014  These are the 95 different skin tones on just 1 of the Sims 4 Skin Colors! I put a red square around the skin tone I used in the picture below. That means there are an additional 17 skin colors available for you to put these skin color overlays on! Overall that is 1710 different skin shades!

Submit Report Skin details for The Sims 4byContouring skin details for TS4– 7 swatches– HQ compatible (see creator’s notes) (previews were done without HQ mod)– skin detail category– all genders– first 3 swatches: teen to elder. Last 4: all genders– suitable for all skins– custom thumbnailLeave a comment for suggestions and criticism! П™‚Please do not copy this creation, do not modify it without permission or claim it as your own.Enjoy!RemusCreator Notesmeet me on tumblr: remussims.tumblr.comHQ?

There is an option to change the game settings which is known as “HQ mod”. It does NOT equal the highest quality settings in game but is an actual change in the graphicrules.sgr file to increase sharpness and displayed details even further. Read about it here:here:SC4-104204.

The Sims games are always better with some high-quality, custom user-created content, also known as CC.The Sims 4 has a large variety of CC now that its been out for a few years, but there's so many different websites and blogs that you can find CC on, and if you're new to CC (or just don't have any favourite creators/sites yet), it can be overwhelming to find the best stuff. Thankfully, I've created this guide for you to use!These are all sites that I use regularly, so I can vouch for their content. They're all virus-free and free-to-use sites, so have fun and download to your heart's content.Note: I will not be covering mods here (content used to modify or add things to your game), as I already have an separate article on the. This guide is purely for custom content: objects, clothing, hair, decor, etc. When a content creator uses the term 'Maxis-match,' it means that the custom content is made in the same style of the official content created by The Sims designers.Sims 4 Maxis-match content is usually vibrant, colourful, and a bit cartoony, much like the art direction the Sims 4 has taken.More realistic looking clothing, hair, and other CC aren't considered 'Maxis-match.' The term can also refer to text being used on CC creations. When text is Maxis-match, it is written in Similish.

Non-Maxis-match text, or non-MM, is usually in English.Personally, I believe Maxis-match CC looks far better in the game than the realistic CC. I feel as though the more realistic-looking hair/clothes/objects/etc. Look better in The Sims 3, based on its art style, but it's all a matter of personal opinion. Around The Simshas been around for a long time. The site's owner/CC creator, Sandy, has been making content for The Sims games since The Sims 1.

She's known for doing amazing, elaborate sets that can be used for your Sims homes or community lots. Her content for The Sims 4 is just as fantastic as all her other creations. You can download everything from stuff to make your own (mostly decorative) beauty parlor, to all the bits and pieces needed to spice up your local movie theater. This is easily one of the best custom content sites out there! There are a lot of sites out there that simply post links to all The Sims 4 CC created each day.These 'Compilation Sites' are handy if you're not really in the mood to go to individual sites on a daily basis, and they're also a good place to discover new content creators that you may not have heard of before. Below are some of my favourite 'compilation sites' for The Sims 4.

Lana's CC Findsis managed by SSSVitlans (or Lana) and is the best place to find custom content on Tumblr. Many CC creators use Tumblr as their platform for uploading their custom content, but Tumblr can be hard to navigate if you don't know where to look. Lana reblogs all the content released daily, and has very organized pages by tags so you can find exactly what you're looking for.

Sims 4 custom content skin tones

My Sims 4 BlogI've been going to since The Sims 3. It's updated daily with links to custom content all over the web. It's a handy site, as well, as everything is indexed by tags. You can also search for something specific if needed. Sims 4 Updatesis also updated daily. They seem to post a lot more clothing CC than some of the other sites, though most of it is 'realistic' rather than Maxis-match.

Sims 4 Downloadsis another daily compilation site. Lots of hair and clothing CC gets posted here! Sims 4 Hairsis a compilation site specifically for, you guessed it, Sims 4 hair. Mod The Simsis one of the oldest and best Sims CC sites.

Mod the Sims is mostly for, well, game mods. But they do have quite a bit of CC like custom hair, clothes and objects. It's always a good idea to browse here from time to time. Is one of the best CC creators on MTS at the moment! The Sims Resourceis not my favourite anymore (back in TS2 days, it was the premium site for content) as most of the stuff there isn't Maxis-match and they use way too many ads, but it's still worth mentioning for the sheer amount of content you can find.

Some CC creators only post on The Sims Resource, so it's definitely worth checking out from time to time. I like to use the skin details custom content the most. It gives a more interesting and dramatic flare to how my sims look. And each of my creations has a unique look. Clothes are a close second, because I would absolutely hate to see my sims without cc clothes.

Especially, because maxis clothes are so basic and for females never fit the figure right. Males are too limited and just provide a plain shirt and some random jeans/sometimes shorts.

Hair is a third for the simple fact that I love the styling of custom content hair and that it gives a more realistic look to the sims, and makes each of them more attractive. Objects is a fourth for me, because I love making my homes beautiful. And trust me each one of mine are. Accessories is a fifth to me, because even though it has a slightly small role in the young adults looks, it plays a HUGE role in the toddler and childrens looks.

Clutter is sixth, because I also love adding it to my houses and rooms and spicing everything up, they are great decorations. I absolutely despise default replacements, because I want to still be able to use maxis sometimes for certain sims challenges or looks. And that is it.

Sims 4 Custom Content Skin Tumblr

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