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» » The Stronghold EditorTranslate this page to:The Stronghold EditorThis article written byInquizative.tells you all about the editor.Jayhawk. OverviewIf you have ever played the likes of Age of Kings, Empire Earthor Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, no doubt you are used to aslightly difficult editor, with heavy emphasis on triggeringeffects. I am happy to say that the Stronghold Editor isone of the more comprehensive Editors I have dealt with and iseasy enough for a novice to pick up and begin mapping out coolterrain and castles.One thing to note, before going on, is that using the Strongholdeditor is almost as easy as playing the game, terrain andbuilding-wise.

The same tools you would use to build upthat castle before a siege are used here. This guide isdevoted to getting the appropriate size map and creating greatlooking terrain and Castles.Starting a ScenarioBefore even opening the actual editor, you must first choose whattype of scenario you want to build. There are threechoices, 2 of which we'll discuss here. The First is:Stand-Alone Mission. The second: 'Siege That' Mission andthe third: Multiplayer Maps.When you click on a New Stand Alone Mission, you are asked whatsize map you would like to create (from scratch).

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As seenbelow, the choices are 160x160, 200x200, 300x300 and400x400. If you are planning on a multi-opponent scenario,it is advised that you go with the larger 400x400 map size.For games with a one on one atmosphere, the 200x200 sized mapgenerally works well for most game types.Game TypesIn the Stand Alone Mission, there are 4 different game types thatcan be chosen from. These being:SIEGE - Allows you to build a castle, garrison itwith defenders and specify the attacking army. Maps created herewill appear in the 'play a siege' section of the combatoptions.INVASION - Allows you to create single missions ofthe type used in the regular combat missions. Maps createdhere will appear in the 'play an invasion' section of the combatoptions.ECONOMIC - Allows you to create single missions ofthe type used in the economic campaign.

Maps created herewill appear in the 'play an economic' mission section of theeconomic options.LANDSCAPE - Allows you to create a simple landscapefor use in the 'free build' section of the economics options.After you have decided which type of scenario you want to design,it's time to move into actually building the terrain and castleusing the Editor.The EditorToolset - Basic toolsThis is the editor interface or group of toolsets available toyou when you open a previously worked on scenario or create a newmap. Each of the symbols will be described in this article.Menu Key. This item, that looks likea key, plays an important role in scenario design as well as inthe actual Stronghold game. When editing your scenario,this key is used return to the initial scenario menu. Whenyou go to the menu, you have these choices:Save MapEdit scenario instructions and historyEdit scenario 'events' where you can trigger events such asraids, fires, pestilences, food theft, etc. By date.Return to the mapSizing Tool. This tool is the basisfor laying down varying sized terrain.

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For example, ifyou'd like to place one tree at a time on your map (beneficial inpre-made villages and castles), you'd click this icon until youget the smallest circle available (in place of the large squareas seen to the left). After that has been selected, you cannow freely place one tree at a time. On the other hand, youmay want to lay down a WIDE river or quickly create an entireforest. To do so, you would use the large square that isseen to the left. There are about 6 varying sized toolslocated in just this one icon.Eraser. What would an Editor bewithout this most useful tool. Simply put, it is aneraser.

You can erase terrain and buildings withthis tool. It is a good idea to adjust the size of the'sizing tool' brush when erasing structures, as using too big atool may result in the deletion of hard to re-create terrains andcity segments. Oh yeah, and headaches, to say theleast.The Editor Toolset - TerrainSpecific ToolsNow that we have the 'universal' tools spelled out for us, we'lldiscuss the various terrain tools that are available to you.Height. Using the sizingtool, in conjunction with the Height selections of tools, createshills of varying heights and sizes. The longer you holddown your left mouse button while the Hill tool is selected overyour terrain, the higher your hill gets, resulting in a solidtopped mountain. Specific and exacting elevation changes ina scenario can be hard to create when using the Hill tool asheight all depends on the amount of time the mouse button ispressed.

If you have a certain height you want to use, itis advisable to use the Mid Plain or Hi Plain tools. If yougo over an existing elevation with the Hill tool selected, thatelevation will continue in height from its currentposition. It will not revert to the initial flat startingpoint and then work its way up. The Height menu consists ofthe following elevation change tools:HillsMountainsMin HeightMax HeightEqualizeRaise LandLower LandMid PlainHi PlainLand.

As the name suggests, this isthe land tool menu icon. If you have overshot the size ofyour Sea or River, you can use the Land tool within the Land Menuto backfill that water. The Land menu enables you to make afew visual changes to the actual 'earth' that the scenario sitson. If you need to include makeshift roads to, from andinside your castle, you can use the Dirt icon.Unfortunately, there are no Road or variances of Road terrain inthis current installment of Stronghold. Also, if you needto add Iron deposits to your map, this is the menu you would wantto be in. The Land menu consists of these land changingtools:PebblesStonesRocksBouldersDirtGrassLandIronVegetation. Usingthis menu will enable you to place 4 varieties of trees anda few varying bushes into your scenario.Animals.

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Would you like to drop thosepesky, forever multiplying Rabbits into your scenario, to giveyour peasants a devastating blow to the economics engine?This is the menu tool you want to go into. You can find,not only Rabbits, but Birds, Wolves, Bears and Deer in this menu.Water.

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Using this menu set, you cancreate pleasing aquatic locales for your scenario. (See for step by step instruction on creating great watereffects). If you want to create a walkway for units andanimals over a river, you would use the Ford tool. Ofcourse, every castle/village needs a supply of Pitch. Youcan add oil to marshes using the Water menu also. This Menu(Water) is pretty much self explanatory.

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The Water Menuconsists of these tools:SeaBeachRipple FeatureRiverFordFoamMarshOilEdit Features. Last butnot least, for the terrain toolsets, we have the Edit Featuresmenu which only has 5 objects, these being 'Big Rock' facing tothe North, South, East and West along with the ever so important'Sign Post'. Place the Sign Post in the locations where youwant attacking armies to start their journey to the targetedcastle.The Editor Toolset - BuildingSpecific ToolsBy clicking on the Building icon in the editor, you are given theability to populate your map with various military and economicstructures. Due to the fact that these buildings are usedas an essential ingredient in the main game play of Stronghold,we will not be discussing this particular toolset.ConclusionIn conclusion, you can see how simple the Stronghold Editor isfor creating various types of terrain for use in yourscenarios. If you have any questions regarding the use ofthe editor, please feel free to post your questions in the.For information on the differences between the original and theCrusader editor please read bythurdl.

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