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  1. Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa'. (.net Sqlclient Data Provider)
  2. Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa' Video
  3. Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa' Letter

My understanding is that it cannot be removed. I don't have a reference to the 2005 version, but from SQL 2000:'SA AccountThe sa account in a production environment should be given a complex password, made up of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, spaces, and numbers. The sa account should have a complex password, even if the SQL Server is running in only Windows Authentication Mode. A complex password protects SQL Server from someone easily getting administrative access to SQL Server. This also protects the server in the event that an administrator changes the security authentication mode to Mixed Mode.Do not use the sa login account in a production environment.

Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa'. (.net Sqlclient Data Provider)

Cannot use the special principal

Instead, place each DBA's network user account into a Windows group, create a single SQL Server login account for the group then add the login account to the sysadmin fixed server role. This way DBA administration can be better audited and documented.'

Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa' Video

Either create an AD user and use that as the owner of the database or create an SQL Server Login. 'sa' should not be used for situations like this. Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total). Thus, sa account is enabled and you will be able to login to the SQL instance using the sa account. If you want to use a script to enable the sa account, you can use the script mentioned below: 1: USE master.

Cannot Use The Special Principal 'sa' Letter

Dear all,I try to set permission of 'sa' user to a database I created with an other Windows admin account. When trying to set mapping role to owner in order that 'sa' account gets all permission on that database I get a failure creation and exception is as follow: Create failed for User 'sa'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)-For help, click: Location:at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlSmoObject.CreateImplat Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.User.Createat Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.CreateLoginData.LoginPrototype.ApplyDatabaseRoleChanges(Server server)at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.CreateLoginDatabaseAccess.OnRunNow(Object sender)An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

This worked for us where we seemed to be looking at a failure of authorization chaining. The database had been moved to a new instance. Users logged in as 'sa' in application 'A' seemed to gain access to their regular functionality butwhen someone executed a renumbering procedure which chained to another proc created by application 'B' we got this.' Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal 'dbo' does not exist, this type of principalcannot be impersonated or you do not have permission'The DB showed in SQL studio as having no owner and no default schema. SQL refused to add or remove 'sa' as a user. 'B' used qualified object names (schema.object), 'A' generally did not, although this could be a completered herring.